Badminton - Ligue de Badminton - RSEQ Montérégie - RIVE-SUD - 2017-2018

    Schedule of the games
1st position
2nd position
3rd position
4th position
 CADF 016 2018-03-17 12:00 
 PHD #6 (2)
 * Catherine Fortier / Rosalie Goulet (CNDDL) 21 21
 Yasmine Lekkat / Emily Chiu (LT) 14 5
 CADF 017 2018-03-17 11:50 
 PHD #6 (2)
 * Marion Papineau / Marianne Dorval (CNDDL) 21 21
 Jeane Dumas-Brassard / Mathilde Philie (CSH) 14 14
 CADF 018 2018-03-17 12:10 
 PHD #6 (2)
 * Marion Papineau / Marianne Dorval (CNDDL) 18 21 21
 Catherine Fortier / Rosalie Goulet (CNDDL) 21 14 16
 CADF 019 2018-03-17 12:20 
 PHD #6 (2)
 * Jeane Dumas-Brassard / Mathilde Philie (CSH) 24 21
 Yasmine Lekkat / Emily Chiu (LT) 22 19